Motorcycle Accidents

Should I Settle With Insurance Company After Motorcycle Accident

Compensation from a personal injury claim of any kind, generally comes from either a successful lawsuit or from settling the claim outside of court.  When you believe you have a personal injury claim, including claims related to a motorcycle accident, you must first decide whether you want to settle or go to court.  Most insurance companies are willing to...

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Auto Accidents

Are There Time Limitations for Filing an Auto Accident Lawsuit?

Yes.  There are time limitations for filing nearly every type of legal action.  This time limit is referred to as the “statute of limitations.”  If that deadline has passed, you are not allowed to bring a lawsuit in court.  This limitation period depends on many factors, most importantly, the type of lawsuit you are bringing and what action or...

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Premises liability

What Are the Damages in Premises Liability Cases?

Property owners have legal obligations to the public, which include keeping their land and buildings safe for authorized visitors and customers.  When a property owner fails to keep their premises safe, personal injuries can result. Slip, trip, and fall accidents continue to be one of the most common causes of personal injury. So, what are the damages in premises...

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Personal Injury

Who is responsible for slip and fall injuries on rental property?

Slip and fall injuries are very common, and they occur at a wide variety of locations.  One of the most important questions that comes up after a slip and fall injury is: who is responsible?  That question can be a little complicated for slip and fall injuries on rental property.  The answer depends on many factors, including who was...

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Social Security Disability

How Long does a Social Security Disability Decision Take?

There is really no way to predict how long it may take for the Social Security Administration to issue a decision on a disability claim.  There are many reasons.  It can easily take anywhere from 30 days to two years for your benefits to be awarded.  Unfortunately, social security programs do not have established deadlines for applications or appeals. ...

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Motorcycle Accidents

Why do Motorcycles Have Higher Risk of Injury?

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that, in 2011, 4,612 motorcyclists were killed in motor vehicle accidents, which was an increase of 2 percent from the 4,518 motorcyclists killed in 2010.  A study conducted by the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), reported that: motorcyclist deaths increased approximately 9 percent in 2012, to more than 5,000 lives lost. This...

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Workers' Compensation

Joplin Workers' Compensation: If I’m Injured in a Motor Accident While at Work, Can I Sue the Person who Caused the Wreck?

The purpose of worker’s compensation is to provide employees who are injured on the job with insurance coverage, without requiring proof of fault.  In exchange for worker’s compensation benefits, employees must agree not to sue their employers.  This does not prevent an employee from suing a responsible third-party. For instance, if an employee falls from a ladder while at...

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Premises liability

Fayetteville Premises Liability: What is an Invitee?

The term “invitee” is significant in Fayetteville premises liability cases, when the issue is what duty is owed to a person injured on someone else’s property.  As the term suggests, an “invitee” is someone who is on someone else’s property because they were invited by the owner of the property.  There are two types of invitees, depending on the...

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Dog Bites

Rogers Dog Bites: Am I Liable to a Trespasser for a Dog Bite?

Laws relating to liability for dogs are different in each state.  Therefore, owner liability for dog bites depends on where you live and which laws apply to your state.  Generally, states have either adopted the “One Bite Rule” or the “Strict Liability” approach. Arkansas’s One Bite Rule The One Bite Rule, as the name suggests, allows a dog “one...

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