Auto Accidents

The Difference Between Aggressive Driving and Road Rage

The media coverage over the last few years has highlighted the rise in rude, obnoxious and even hostile drivers on the roadways.  Horns blowing, offensive gestures, cursing have all become an expected part of the daily commute for some people.  While the media has labeled this offensive behavior “road rage,” it should not be confused with the concept of...

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Auto Accidents

Resolving an Auto Accident Case

After an auto accident, the trauma of your personal injuries is something you would soon want to forget.  The disruption that your injuries and damages clause, make the need to reach a resolution greater, and the sooner you can get back to life as usual, the better.  How long resolving an auto accident case will take, depends on so...

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Auto Accidents

What Does "Meeting the Threshold" Mean in Accident Cases?

In auto accident cases, and most other personal injury cases, the person who is injured will seek compensation for his or her injuries by filing a lawsuit.  Typically, the compensation is for medical treatment that was required as a result of the accident, as well as compensation for the estimated costs of any possible future medical care.  In auto...

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Auto Accidents

Can I Sue a Family Member in a Car Accident Case?

Personal injury lawsuits, following car accidents, are very common.  The defendant is usually the person or persons who were at fault in the wreck, or who were responsible for the vehicle that caused the wreck.  But, what should you do if the person at fault is a relative?  Clients have asked, “can I sue a family member in a...

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Auto Accidents

Do You Consider Eating a Form of Distracted Driving?

Texting while driving, or simply talking on your cell phone, are not the only types of distractions that put people at risk when driving.  If you are involved in an auto accident, you may not see the other driver with that cell phone in his hand.  You may have noticed a cheeseburger, instead.  This would be an important detail...

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Auto Accidents

Is the Driver Always at Fault for Hitting a Pedestrian?

Determining liability in car accident cases can be tricky.  Most people assume that, when they are hit from behind for instance, the person who hit them is always at fault.  However, one thing to remember with nearly all personal injury cases, is that everything depends on the circumstances.  So, to answer the question: is the driver always at fault...

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Auto Accidents

Uninsured Motorist Coverage in Missouri

When clients are involved in an auto accident, they typically rely on auto insurance for financial support, especially if their property damage is extensive.  Most people are not financially prepared for the unexpected costs that result from an auto accident.  Unfortunately, in some cases, the person at fault does not have any insurance or, if they do, it is...

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Auto Accidents

What Kind of Health Care Expenses Can I Claim?

The injuries that occur as a result of an automobile accident can run from cuts and bruises to paralysis or disfigurement.  To further complicate things, some injuries do not show symptoms initially, or require future or long-term medical care.  However, you may have been injured, you should obtain a medical examination immediately after an automobile accident, so that you...

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Auto Accidents

What Can I Sue for After a Car Accident?

The main purpose of filing any lawsuit is to recover, or be compensated, for the injuries you have sustained, due to the actions of another.  In the auto accident context, you are asking the court to make the driver who was at-fault compensate you for all of your injuries and losses that occurred because of the accident.  What you...

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Auto Accidents

Are There Time Limitations for Filing an Auto Accident Lawsuit?

Yes.  There are time limitations for filing nearly every type of legal action.  This time limit is referred to as the “statute of limitations.”  If that deadline has passed, you are not allowed to bring a lawsuit in court.  This limitation period depends on many factors, most importantly, the type of lawsuit you are bringing and what action or...

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