If transportation industry data indicates that an automotive product is not safe enough to be used on the road, the designer or manufacturer responsible for the part has the duty to recall the dangerous item. These recalls are required by law, putting legal liability on the manufacturer’s shoulders if the company ignores the signs of a defective auto part. Therefore, consumers who are not adequately warned through a recall and who are injured as a result of the hazardous item may be entitled to pursue financial compensation for the costs associated with their injuries.
If you or someone you love has sustained an injury in an auto accident that could have been avoided through a safety recall, you may be legally eligible to seek compensation for your injury costs. For more information about auto part defects and your legal rights, contact an experienced Arkansas personal injury lawyer of the Cottrell Law Office today by calling 800-364-8305.
Recall Requirements for Auto Manufacturers
Automotive recalls are required by law if an auto designer or manufacturer believes its products may put consumers at risk of injury. Specifically, the law demands the following from manufacturers in regards to recalls:
- Releasing a public announcement about the recall
- Reaching any contactable consumers to inform them about the recall
- Offering those consumers free repairs and further information about the defect
If a company fails to pursue this course of action, it may be fully liable for any injuries that occur as a result of its dangerous actions.
Contact Us
An injury caused by a dangerous auto product may leave you with significant financial burdens from medical expenses, out-of-pocket costs, and lost wages. However, you may be entitled to compensation from the automotive designer or manufacturer at fault. For a free consultation with a reliable legal advisor regarding your options, contact an Arkansas personal injury attorney of the Cottrell Law Office, at 800-364-8305 today.