Workers' Compensation

Determining Workers Compensation Weekly Cash Benefits

Worker’s Compensation benefits fall into one of three categories: medical care, rehabilitation services and cash payments.  Medical care benefits are usually wide-ranging, including not only doctor bills, but also medication, tests and medical equipment.  Rehabilitation services can include treatment such as physical therapy or vocational rehab.  When cash payments are made, it is typically in the form of compensation...

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Wrongful Death

E. Coli leads to Wrongful Death Case

Losing a loved one is always difficult.  When the death is the result of the negligence or misconduct of a third party, the challenges can be even more daunting.  Surviving families can take steps to recover for their loss, as best they can, by filing a lawsuit for wrongful death.  A recent incident involving the death of an 8-year-old...

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Premises liability

How to Determine the Value of a Premises Liability Case

Most people who are injured while on someone else’s property at least consider filing a lawsuit to recover for their injuries.  Yet, depending on the actual value of your case, it may not always be the best decision.  What you must consider is whether, after it is all said and done, will you end up with sufficient compensation to...

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Trucking Accidents

What is the Hours of Service Rule for Truck Drivers?

Truck-related highway accidents are not only serious, but also very common. In 2012, there were nearly 100 motor vehicle fatalities, in both Missouri and Arkansas, involving large commercial trucks. Accidents involving 18-wheelers often result in catastrophic injuries, simply because of the sheer size and weight of an 18-wheeler. In light of the serious risks 18-wheelers create on the roadway,...

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Motorcycle Accidents

Beware of Hidden, Closed Head Injuries Following a Motorcycle Accident

Motorcyclists are often exposed to dangers on the road that other motorists do not encounter.  First, other motorists have more difficulty seeing motorcycles as quickly and clearly as other vehicles, which makes motorcyclists more likely to be struck.  To make matters worse, motorcyclists do not have a significant protective barrier between them and the road, or another vehicle.  If...

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Catastrophic Injury

Most Common Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries?

Catastrophic injuries are a very unique type of injury.  They are more serious and often result in permanent injuries or even disabilities.  In addition to physical injuries, catastrophic injuries can be emotional and economic.  They most often have a more significant impact on the victim and the victim’s family.  Catastrophic injuries can be the result of trauma or a...

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Catastrophic Injury

High Speed Auto Accidents often Cause Catastrophic Injuries

There is no question that speeding is dangerous. Saving time on your daily commute is never worth someone else’s life.  Yet, so many drivers continue to exceed the speed limit.  According to the NHTSA 2013 Traffic Safety Data, there were 32,719 traffic fatalities in 2013, among them 9,613 (29%) were the result of high speed auto accidents.  When drivers...

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Social Security Disability

How Collecting Unemployment Affects your Disability Claim

When a physical or mental disability affects your ability to work, it is not unreasonable to consider filing a disability claim, as well as, a claim for unemployment benefits.  However, filing for both simultaneously can be very problematic.  Why? Because, filing for both creates a direct contradiction in claims and could keep you from receiving benefits.  Understanding how collecting...

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