
How Does the ADA Affect My Social Security Disability Claim in Rogers, AR?

Missouri residents with disabilities face many challenges, including receiving appropriate benefits and accommodations at work. It is common for people who qualify for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits to also be entitled to accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Let our Joplin, MO Social Security Disability attorneys explain the interplay between these two types of benefits available...

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What Every New Driver Should Know About Missouri Driving Laws

All new drivers should be well-informed about Missouri driving laws, for the safety of the driver and those around them on the road. For new drivers, the structure of graduated driver’s license law can be confusing, so keep this information handy. The Missouri Department of Revenue issues each of the three stages of the graduated license, and you can...

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Personal Injury

What Does Joint and Several Liability Mean to Joplin Personal Injury Attorneys?

In the area of personal injury, the term “joint and several liability” refers to the responsibility under the law that each person has when more than one person is involved in causing the same injury. The term actually refers to two separate forms of liability – joint liability and several liability. Here is what Joplin personal injury attorneys know when...

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Personal Injury

Personal Injury Lawyer Discusses Settlement Liens

If you have been injured as a result of someone else’s negligence, there are basically two ways to receive compensation for that injury.  You can either settle the case out of court or obtain a judgment from the court.  Although a jury verdict in a civil lawsuit would likely result in a larger recovery, jury verdicts are never guaranteed. ...

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Personal Injury

Who is at Fault for Hitting a Pedestrian?

It can be a challenge trying to figure out who is responsible for an accident.  That is something that accident attorneys deal with regularly.  While many people assume, for instance, that being hit from behind in a car accident is a clear case of liability.  However, every personal injury case is not the same.  So many factors play a...

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Social Security Disability

What is Social Security Disability Fraud?

When individuals apply for Social Security Benefits, they are required to certify that all of the information they have provided on the application are true and correct to the best of their knowledge.  If someone reports something on their application that they know is false, it may be a crime.  There are different forms of social security disability fraud,...

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