Car Accidents

Damages Following a Wrong Way Driver Car Accident

A recent and tragic car accident in Illinois highlights the dangers of head-on collisions.  As a car accident attorney can explain, an accident caused by a wrong-way driver can result in substantial damages.  If you or someone you know has been involved in a head-on collision and need help obtaining the damages to which the victims may be entitled,...

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Car Accidents

The Challenges in Determining Fault in a Three Car Accident

As nearly every car accident lawyer agrees, determining fault in a car accident case can be quite a challenge.  Complicate that determination with three different drivers and resolving the issue can literally be a nightmare.  Causation is one of the key components to any car accident case.  That means proving that the defendant’s actions were the proximate cause of...

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Car Accidents

Back-Up Collisions Still a Problem

According to some reports, backup accidents injure nearly 15,000 people each year and kill more than 200.  This may be the reason most new cars are now equipped with cameras, sensors, and audio warning systems in an effort to make backing up safer and easier.  But the reality is, too many drivers have started relying solely on this new...

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Car Accidents

What Should I Know about the Seat Belt Defense?

It is common knowledge these days that wearing a seat belt is an important safety issue. In nearly every state, there is some version of a seat belt law.  But what happens in car accidents when the victim was not wearing a seat belt at the time of the accident?  Some states recognize what is referred to as the...

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Car Accidents

Were you Injured by a Drunk Driver?

Being involved in a car accident is a serious situation, especially when serious injuries are involved.  Negligence is the general theory involved in filing a claim for damages in a car accident case.  As any car accident lawyer knows, these claims become more serious when a drunk driver is involved.  When a drunk driver causes an accident that injuries...

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Car Accidents

Who Pays in a Hit and Run Car Accident?

If you or someone you know has been involved in a hit-and-run, your first question may be, who can I hold responsible?  Victims of hit-and-run car accidents can suffer injuries, property damage, or both.  You may be sideswiped on the road and the driver speeds off, or you may find your car in the parking lot with a huge,...

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Car Accidents

What about the Passenger in a Car Accident?

Most blogs regarding car accidents address what car accident lawyers can do for the drivers of a car who are injured.  But what if you were the passenger of a car that was involved in a car accident?  While the way your claim is handled may be similar, there are still a few differences that you should be aware...

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Auto Accidents

Is the Driver Always at Fault for Hitting a Pedestrian?

Determining liability in car accident cases can be tricky.  Most people assume that, when they are hit from behind for instance, the person who hit them is always at fault.  However, one thing to remember with nearly all personal injury cases, is that everything depends on the circumstances.  So, to answer the question: is the driver always at fault...

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Auto Accidents

Uninsured Motorist Coverage in Missouri

When clients are involved in an auto accident, they typically rely on auto insurance for financial support, especially if their property damage is extensive.  Most people are not financially prepared for the unexpected costs that result from an auto accident.  Unfortunately, in some cases, the person at fault does not have any insurance or, if they do, it is...

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Car Accidents

What Can I do When the Other Driver Has No Insurance in Arkansas

Auto insurance is definitely a lifesaver if you are ever in an auto accident, especially if your vehicle is totaled.  Most of us are not prepared for the unexpected expenses of an auto accident.  But what happens when the person at fault in the accident has no auto insurance, or not enough to cover your injuries.  Unfortunately, the risk...

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