Trucking Accidents

The Need for a Trucking Expert Witness

Truck accident cases are very different from simple automobile accident cases.  From its inception, the litigation of a truck accident case must be handled differently.  Truck accident cases are more time-sensitive.  The evidence of liability needs to be preserved more quickly.  Truck accident cases are also more complicated due to insurance issues and federal trucking regulations.  For these, and...

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Trucking Accidents

Do I Need an Attorney to Bring a Truck Accident Claim?

Accidents involving 18-wheeler trucks are some of the most devastating motor vehicle accidents you could be involved in.  The results are nearly always catastrophic.  Large commercial tractor trailers can weigh more than 80,000 pounds, so any collision is likely to result in serious, if not fatal, injuries. In addition to the seriousness of the injuries, litigation of a truck...

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Trucking Accidents

Trucking Accidents Involve More Than Just the Drivers

In an automobile accident, determining who should be sued is not usually that difficult.  There is the at-fault driver and possibly the owner of the vehicle, if it is not the same person.  Unless there are manufacturing issues with the vehicles, the case is pretty straightforward.  The same is not true in truck accidents.  That’s because trucking accidents involve...

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Trucking Accidents

Importance of Truck Accident Investigation

The importance of truck accident investigation cannot be overstated.  The basic purpose of truck accident investigation is determining liability.  Evidence of liability is key and it is critical that all evidence is preserved at the scene, as soon as possible.  So, if you have been injured in a truck accident, contact an experienced trucking accident attorney immediately, in order...

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Trucking Accidents

Negotiating a Truck Accident Claim

Some clients feel that hiring an attorney is not necessary after truck accidents if there is insurance coverage that applies to the claim.  However, negotiating a settlement with an insurance company is not as easy as you may think.  Contrary to what most people believe, an insurance company’s interests are usually not in line with the victim’s interests.  Instead,...

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Trucking Accidents

Trucking Accidents in Arkansas

Trucking Accidents in Arkansas from Wesley Cottrell   Based on recent fatality statistics, gathered by the National Highway and Traffic Safety, in 2012 there were 88 motor vehicle fatalities in Arkansas and 92 in Missouri that involved commercial trucks. Learn more about trucking accidents in Arkansas in this presentation

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Trucking Accidents

Are Companies Required to Have Liability Insurance for Truckers?

In order to protect motorists in the event a commercial truck is involved in an accident causing injury or property damage, there are federal and state laws requiring commercial motor vehicles to carry liability  insurance for truckers.  These laws require particular types of insurance, and impose minimum coverage limits. Federal Regulations regarding liability insurance for truckers The United States...

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Trucking Accidents

Who can sue for death or injury in a trucking accident?

If you are injured in a trucking accident, as the injured party, you can bring a lawsuit to recover for your injuries.  Pretty straightforward, right?   What if you died in the accident?  Who can sue then?  Even if you survived, is there anyone else who may have damages as a result of the accident?  These are all questions that...

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Trucking Accidents

Who Do You Sue in Truck Accident Cases?

Determining who is at fault in any kind of traffic accident can be difficult.  There are often rules or guidelines that tell motorists how they are supposed to drive.  However, not all of these rules apply in every situation.  Also, there are other ways for individuals to become liable for an accident, even if they were not driving. So,...

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